I've owned Borzoi since 1985, bred my first litter in 1991. The beautiful red dog you see here was my entire first litter ASFA BIF AKC CH Avalon Midnight Barnstormer SC, FCH , winner of the 1995 Borzoi Club of America's National triathlon. Barney set a very high bar for me, and was a hard act to follow. I've done the best I could. The black dog underneath Barney is CH Avalon James Tiberius who sired multiple champions, and fortunately for me was not sterile like Barney was. (God's sense of humor I guess) I fell in love with Silkens in 2004 when I judged their national specialty and have had them ever since. I am usually available in the evenings by messenger on FB to talk. As a teacher, the dogs have been a labor of love, and my passion, and huge money pit :^) . Enjoy the photos here.
Cobreeders over the years
Because I am having a bit of a time editing the wix site here, I am going to list those persons I have cobred litters with at some point over the years, I will eventually have all the dog photos linked to the Borzoi Archive site so you can see all their information and siblings.
Charles Tyson (Stillwater)
Dawn Kelly and Diana Embry (Willowwind)
Donna Maharan (Midknight)
Joan Wagner (Jowag)
Rebecca and Time Neal (Afanasii)
Paula Moore (Davidoff)
Debb Meyer (O'Pendragon)
Josie Haumont (Drakon)
Dr. Susan Van De Water ( Del Sol)
Mary Childs ( Windnsatin)
Leonore Abordo ( Oxota)
Suzanne Liggett (Belozor)
Diana Darling ( Ryhka)
Marylee Jenko ( Tishkia)
Jamie Bobrowski (Starswift)
Stephanie Johnson
Jaye Wright
Javier Ocasio
Archie Doby
Shelby Bergstresser
Karla Smith DVM (RiverRun)
Kristen Suhenbrock (Runtuff)
Leigh Anthony Paintin (Perlova)
Leigh and Vickie Littleton (Howffcarbonel)